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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Feel Crappy after Eating Junk?

I visited my daughter at college today and she was excited to share a story that she thought I should place in my blog:

Her roommates went back to their respective homes this summer while my daughter remained in their college apartment. Since she only had to buy and cook food for herself, she made her meals quick and easy - but she concentrated on making them healthy as well. She explained to me that breakfast consisted of low-fat Stonyfield Farm yogurt with organic granola; lunch included foods like whole-wheat wraps with hummus and tomatoes; dinner remained simple with items like grilled fish and salad. She filled in with fruit and veggies for snacks.

Lo and behold, her roommates returned a few weeks ago for the start of the school year - and the refrigerator and pantry have been filled with not-so-healthy fare again. My daughter has resorted to cooking and eating typical college foods: processed and prepackaged.

She said, "Mom, you need to write about this in your blog. I have felt crappy for two weeks since I started eating 'junk' again. It's a direct correlation! My body became accustomed to ultra-healthy foods, and now that I've started eating unhealthy again, my body wants to reject it!"

From the mouths of babes . . . I can't say it much simpler than she did!

Your body CRAVES nourishment - from healthy and whole food. When it finally becomes accustomed to a regimen of wholesome food, it will in essence feel as if it's rejecting food that has no nutritional value! You might feel headachey, tired, fuzzy-brained, irritable and bloated when you eat foods heavy in sugar, white flour, additives and empty calories. Almost like withdrawal! YUCK.

Anyone who's fallen off the bandwagon of healthy eating knows exactly what my daughter is talking about. It's just not worth it! If you've veered off course, remember just how good your body feels when it's not attacked with sugar highs and energy lows - and let that lure you back into good, healthy eating habits!


  1. My son is big, suddenly, on supplements. Some have come highly recommended by coaching staff at college. I just keep telling him there is no substitute for balanced, healthy eating.

  2. I think there's a definite danger in thinking if you pop the right pills (supplements), then you can ignore good nutrition. WRONG! Good nutrition is the FIRST building block to a healthier body.

    I hope he's loving college!


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