I'm so excited you've visited my site. My hope is that you'll find encouragement to take control of your life, to stop feeling a victim of your circumstances, and to finally strengthen your mind in order to change your path!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Better Health = Better Quality of Life

Recently, I was asked to describe my blog, or its purpose, in just a few sentences. (Did that person realize how difficult that is for a person who can taaaaaaaaaalk????)

Hmmmm. Here goes: It's not about tooting my own horn, or yours....it's about using our success stories (yours and mine) as well as our experiences to encourage and motivate women to pursue good health - to not give up hope that it IS an attainable goal! It's about focusing on improving our quality of life as women through improving our health - we become more energetic mothers, more productive workers, more fun as friends, and better lovers when we are healthy. It's not about addressing our outward appearances, but rather our entire person - fitness and health, inside and out.

Breast cancer runs in my family. I can't change my gene pool. But what I CAN change is my current health status - my weight, exercise, and nutrition. Should I ever develop breast cancer, I at least will have the comfort of knowing that I did what I could to make sure it wasn't because of my poor health habits. What a burden of regret to carry if one were to develop a life-threatening illness because of one's choices in lifestyle. In otherwords, take control of the things you can, and let go of the things you can't.....

Since there are many aspects of becoming healthy, let's focus first on getting ourselves motivated and moving. In later posts, we'll discuss food, nutrition, exercises, fitness, strategies, tips, etc. etc. etc.

For any of you who have made the journey from unfit to fit, there were obstacles to overcome in getting yourself moving - to actually getting yourselves in an exercise habit. What were your obstacles (childcare, money, time, motivation, lack of self control?) And more importantly: What did you do to overcome those obstacles???

Share your insights won't you? It just might influence someone to get off the couch!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Willie's Wisdom

In a recent interview, country music icon Willie Nelson said, "Well, I have started running. What I was trying to do was do at least as much good in the daytime as I was destroying in the nighttime. But it got to the point where I was losing ground. I had to start trying to stay alive or I was going to die. So I've had to give up the smoking and drinking. And when I quit that and started running, I got a lot healthier."

Hmmm, from the mouth of Willie! My own experience (sans the drinking and the smoking to begin with!) was that running had the biggest impact on changing my body shape.

I'm not claiming everyone needing to lose weight and wanting to be healthier needs to run! But, you DO need to amp up your daily exercise from what your current routine is. If you're sedentary, walking will be enough of an "amping up" to make an initial difference. If you're used to daily walking, maybe start by increasing your pace - instead of a 20-minute mile, strive to walk a 15-minute mile. Or instead of walking 2 miles, increase to 4 miles. If you've already been doing that, amp it up some more. Change to 1/2 hour on an elliptical machine or try jogging. And jogging can be added slowly - walk 5 minutes, jog 2, walk five minutes, jog 3, on and on it goes. You get the idea. But AMP IT UP.

If you're overweight, you know full well the fat won't melt by a miracle. If you're truly honest with yourself, you KNOW it's going to take an investment in sweat and exercise - an investment in YOU. Don't be afraid of it - embrace it....it's what will lead to a healthier you! And hey, if Willie Nelson can amp up his exercise, so can you!

Here is an excellent Web site for someone interested in learning about jogging for the first time. One article is titled "From Couch to 5K Running Plan". It has all kinds of resources for new runners - or just a place to find answers to the unknown if you've never ventured into the world of jogging before. http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

Just move it! :-)

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Permanent Fix to an Unhealthy Body

There is a Chinese proverb that says, "One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of choking." The meaning is that you shouldn't be afraid to try something just because there is a slight chance you'll fail.

We've all heard the claim that we need to stop dieting ... and instead make lifestyle changes to our daily routines and habits. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know it's true - LASTING changes in our body shape and health only occur through permanent changes in our lifestyle. But how frightening does that sound? It takes us out of our comfort zone! That's why people continue to try diet upon diet upon diet. Because it seems "short-term, doable, less painful than a full-scale lifestyle change." But in reality, it's the yo-yo dieters who suffer in the long run. The goal, if reached at all, is usually short-lived. Once the diet is over, old habits and lifestyles reign again. And lo and behold, the weight and poor health come back with a vengeance.

My challenge to you is to not be afraid of failure. Yes, there's always a chance we'll fail at anything we try, but the courageous are not deterred by that chance. The only thing you have to lose if you fail, is you remain overweight and in poor health. The thing you have to gain if you succeed is an entire new life with a healthy body and a healthier future.

So get out of your comfort zone and get away from the old-school notion of dieting. Do yourself a favor and don't be afraid to "choke." Make one healthy lifestyle change today...just one. And do it for a few weeks. It could be as simple as choosing to park farther away from work, or taking the stairs to your apartment, or walking a half hour every day, or drinking an extra glass of water, or adding one fruit to your meal... Simple, small changes. Begin to feel the success. Then build upon your success - until your new lifestyle choices have become your "old" way of doing things. The only permanent changes that will occur with your body are the ones that result from lasting, healthy, lifestyle choices.

One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of choking.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Determined to Succeed?

Getting healthy starts with your frame of mind. Many people's journey toward better health and weightloss begins as a failed mission from the git-go.

One trainer mentioned that he could tell when a client wasn't going to succeed in her goal. When asked how he could predict that, he gave an example: During one initial evaluation with a client, she was already making excuses for the times she wouldn't be able to exercise due to her schedule, and how she couldn't stay away from certain foods because her ethnic background was such an influence on her. In the same breath, she expressed her displeasure with her weight and teared up when discussing her frustration. His claim as to the client who would succeed? The one who not only came in frustrated and discouraged about her health, but also came in determined that she was ready to do what it would take to better her life, no matter what.

Are you there yet? Are you determined to actually DO what it will take to succeed in your dreams, in your goals? No excuses? That's what success takes.

And that is exactly why I suggest you make the changes in your lifestyle slowly - initially choosing to ax only one poor nutrition habit and choosing some type of exercise to integrate into your daily routine. I can't stress this enough. The two must be joined together - better nutrition AND daily exercise. As you conquer this little bit, you can add more challenges and changes to your lifestyle....master other poor nutrition habits and intensify your exercise as time goes on. Just remember that slow and steady wins the race. Those who burst out of the starting gates at full speed with miles ahead of them will inevitably tire and lose the race. Your goal is to actually MAKE it to the finish line! Put one foot in front of the other and move forward step by step.

Need more encouragement? Read my Oct. 7, 2007 post. Go get 'em....and this time, no excuses.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Sticking to It?

Well, it's February 8, over a month since the start of the new year - and all those promises you made to yourself! How are you doing? Are you encouraged by your progress? Are you remembering to join exercise WITH better eating habits? Great! Or are you feeling discouraged....have you not adhered to what you said you would do and feel like giving up?

Here's the truth of the matter. Nobody arrives to their destination without taking all the little steps it takes to get there. If I want to drive from New York to Oregon, I have to drive mile, by mile, by mile to get there. I might take a detour, I might have car trouble that slows me down, but if I keep going forward in those miles, I'll reach my destination.

So it is with your journey to better health. So, while you may hit a detour here and there, if you don't give up, if you keep chipping away at your exercise and eating habits, you will see improvement; you will get there. Perfection is impossible to maintain. You will NOT exercise every day for a year the way in which you set out to do. You will NOT keep away from that one food forever that you said was off-limits. But that is NO reason not to TRY.... it is no reason to fall off the wagon and stay on the ground! Dust yourself off, get back with the program, and continue...for YOUR sake! If you keep to what you set out to do even 90% of the time, then you're headed in the right direction!

Nobody has as much a vested interest in becoming healthy than YOU. Becoming healthy, losing weight and changing habits is NOT impossible. It's up to you.

Tip for the day: Try to eat one extra fruit and one extra vegetable today. And while you're at it, down a glass of pure, refreshing water. Here's to you!