I'm so excited you've visited my site. My hope is that you'll find encouragement to take control of your life, to stop feeling a victim of your circumstances, and to finally strengthen your mind in order to change your path!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Sticking to It?

Well, it's February 8, over a month since the start of the new year - and all those promises you made to yourself! How are you doing? Are you encouraged by your progress? Are you remembering to join exercise WITH better eating habits? Great! Or are you feeling discouraged....have you not adhered to what you said you would do and feel like giving up?

Here's the truth of the matter. Nobody arrives to their destination without taking all the little steps it takes to get there. If I want to drive from New York to Oregon, I have to drive mile, by mile, by mile to get there. I might take a detour, I might have car trouble that slows me down, but if I keep going forward in those miles, I'll reach my destination.

So it is with your journey to better health. So, while you may hit a detour here and there, if you don't give up, if you keep chipping away at your exercise and eating habits, you will see improvement; you will get there. Perfection is impossible to maintain. You will NOT exercise every day for a year the way in which you set out to do. You will NOT keep away from that one food forever that you said was off-limits. But that is NO reason not to TRY.... it is no reason to fall off the wagon and stay on the ground! Dust yourself off, get back with the program, and continue...for YOUR sake! If you keep to what you set out to do even 90% of the time, then you're headed in the right direction!

Nobody has as much a vested interest in becoming healthy than YOU. Becoming healthy, losing weight and changing habits is NOT impossible. It's up to you.

Tip for the day: Try to eat one extra fruit and one extra vegetable today. And while you're at it, down a glass of pure, refreshing water. Here's to you!

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