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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Teaching Kids to Eat Green

I absolutely LOVE this idea! This is a pilot program in NYC where students spend time in a garden planting their own plants. I know kids in our area get the opportunity in school to do the same thing. They reap and sow - and feel the intense pleasure of both. But not only do these kids get to harvest what they grow, they're also given lessons on how to prepare the food, too! They get to taste test and experiment.

Care to guess whether they enjoy vegetables more now?

How about adults trying this, too?! If you don't have access to your own garden, you can either plant in pots, or rent a plot of ground from a farmer or a food coop. You just might surprise yourself with how much more you eat of this food group than before!

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  1. Val - Just hoping all is well as I haven't seen a post from you in a while. I know with life, job, life,etc. we are all too busy. Drop me an email when you have a chance - nconroy at stny dot rr dot com

  2. Thanks Nicki! I'm here....alive and kicking! I'll try to make more posts over my Christmas break. Thanks for checking on me - and continuing to check my blog!


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