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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Health of Body, Mind, and Spirit!

So, it's that time of year again...just a week from January 1 and the dreaded New Year's Resolution. I'm sure there's been polls given to sample the percentage of the population that lists losing weight as the number one resolution. And I'm sure the percentage is high! That tells me two things. One, we're an obese population. Two, we are extremely focused on how our bodies look - our outward "beauty."

My counsel to my 18-year-old son? Find a woman who is beautiful on the inside first. It's not that outward beauty and inward beauty are mutually exclusive...but they CAN be! We can all list some Hollywood beauties whose lives are a mess, they appear selfish and rude, and they accomplish no "good" with their status. Their beauty is skin deep. There are other women in Hollywood who are dropdead gorgeous AND generous, kind, and responsible human beings. Each of us has the potential to both, neither, or one or the other!

So let's do something different this year - let's focus on the HEALTH of our whole being! Not just on being skinny or getting into size 8 jeans! Let's focus on the beauty of who we are as God's creations...not just as physical beings, but as emotional and spiritual beings as well. Your health goals for your body will be much easier to accomplish when you're attentive to your faith and the wellness of your mind. Notice how when one is out of kilter, it has a trickle down effect on the others...

So decide that THIS year, you will make efforts to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit. Yes, plan to exercise and choose healthier foods. Go for it. But also determine to give forgiveness and receive forgiveness, join a Bible study group, or join a local ministry to reach out to others beyond yourself. And if depression or negativity plague your mind, share that struggle with someone close to you and ask for their assistance in helping you improve in those areas. You might need to seek medical attention. Attending to your body and spirit may very well improve the wellness of your mind!

By all means, make this a year to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit. Get beyond seeing yourself as skin deep and dig to the core of who you are - your health and wellness are worth it!

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