First, it's a great kids' food. They can put low-fat or natural peanut butter in the groove and place ants (raisins) on top for fun - and get a nutritious snack at the same time. They can even do science experiments with it! (Place a stalk in water with red food coloring and watch the celery turn color!)
But seriously, this veggie has wonderful accolades! Check out this nutrition chart from The World's Healthiest Foods (WHFoods) Web site:

Now that's some serious nutrition! We shouldn't be surprised though, right? Because food in its raw and natural state from the Earth is just that - natural and whole - and good for us! Celery is a great source of vitamin C and K as well as phthalides, which may lower cholesterol, and coumarins, which may aid in cancer prevention.
Celery is also a natural diruetic. According to the WHFoods Web site: "The seeds of celery's wild ancestors, which originated around the Mediterranean, were widely used as a diuretic. Today, we understand how celery, which is rich in both potassium and sodium, the minerals most important for regulating fluid balance, stimulates urine production, thus helping to rid the body of excess fluid."
Selecting celery is easy. You want to choose celery that snaps easily when pulled apart...crisp. Make sure it's free from brownish patches. Celery can be stored in a sealed container or even wrapped in a damp cloth. If you've prepared it already by chopping it into pieces (for stews, soups, etc.) or in long sections for raw snacks, make sure you keep it dry and free from water because water can drain some of its nutrients. Avoid freezing celery because it will make it wilt - but you can do this if you're planning to add it to a future cooked meal.
Advice: We've all left celery out at room temperature and watched it wilt before our eyes! To restore its snappy crispness, sprinkle it with a little water and place it in the refrigerator for a few hours. And don't forget to use the leaves! They contain the most vitamin C, calcium and potassium!
My mom always used chopped celery in our soups, stews, and salad. And we ALWAYS had raw celery on hand for simple healthy munching.
Here's a list of celery suggestions from the WHFoods site. Go ahead, eat some celery today!
Add chopped celery to your favorite tuna fish or chicken salad recipe.
Enjoy the delicious tradition of eating peanut butter on celery stalks.
Use celery leaves in salads.
Braise chopped celery, radicchio and onions and serve topped with walnuts and your favorite soft cheese.
Add celery leaves and sliced celery stalks to soups, stews, casseroles, and healthy stir fries.
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