Thursday, July 30, 2009
How Three Women Broke Their Weight-Loss Plateaus
I wonder: If people were armed with concrete techniques to break a plateau, would they be more apt to succeed?
I think, YES! Click here to read how three women actually broke through their weight-loss plateaus through the help of expert advice. See if their techniques could work for you!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Teen Abducted and Killed in Broad Daylight - Watch video for safety tips!
You might have read about the teenage girl who was recently abducted in broad daylight and murdered. posted an excellent video about how to prepare your children (or yourself!) against a would-be kidnapper/killer. I strongly urge you to watch this and share it with your loved ones. It might save them one day....
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Monday, July 27, 2009
Portions Matter!
Calories Burned - Calories Consumed = Weight Loss.
You must eat less calories than you burn in order to lose weight. Simple right? (Let's make sure while we're at it that we're talking healthy, nutritious eating habits - not short-term fixes!) Researchers of the new study took 811 participants and assigned one of four calorie-reduced diets to each member of the study. Each of the four diets comprised a different percentage of energy from protein, carbohydrates and fat.
The results? After two years, there was a group of those who experienced weight loss - it was those who maintained their eating plans, regardless of whether they were on the reduced-fat, low-carb, or high-protein diets! The common factor was that they stuck with a calorie-reduced eating plan!
The bottom line? Once again, you have to eat less calories than you burn in order to lose weight. Interpret this as portion control!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
How to Cut Pineapple
Some people are intimidated to buy fresh pineapple simply because they don't know how to cut it. It's easy! Watch this video and get the confidence to serve up fresh pineapple. It's so much more nutritious this way - and tasty!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Try Being a Vegetarian For a Day
Either way, going without meat once a week won't kill you! And believe it or not, it might be good for your waist AND your pocketbook. Meat tends to be one of the most expensive things on your grocery list, and depending on the cuts of meat you choose, it can be of high-fat content as well.
If you'd like to shave a little meat out of your diet, try going vegetarian one day a week! This approach will keep it simple and won't be so overwhelming.
First, determine which day of the week you'd like to make your "vegetarian day." Since changing habits can be difficult, choose the day of the week that is the least stressful and least busy for you. There's nothing worse than having a packed day at work, a packed evening with the kids, and trying to do something new in the kitchen all at the same time.
Second, come up with some sample menus for breakfasts, lunches and suppers. If you have some predetermined meatless meals, you won't be floundering with what to prepare. The internet is a great resource for meatless recipes - be creative and research variations of meals. Cooked broccoli will get boring quickly. How about sauteeing it with a healthy sauce? Raw carrots will only hold their appeal for so long. How about baking them with a little orange juice and some seasonings? You get the idea.
Third, preparation is the key to success. Be sure to include your meatless menu ingredients in your grocery list and stock your pantry appropriately. You are most likely to succeed in keeping this weekly dietary change if you have all the ingredients readily available.
Fourth, make sure you know what you're doing as you plan your meals. While beans (lentils) are a great source of protein, they aren't a complete protein, like meat is. To get a complete protein, you will need to partner beans with a grain (think beans with whole-wheat tortillas or beans with whole-grain rice, etc.). According to, "Dairy products and eggs are high in protein, but so are nuts, legumes, seeds, lentils, and whole grains. Make sure to include a high-protein food in each of your meals. While protein is important, you’ll need to ensure you’re eating a variety of foods that will keep your body high in vitamins and minerals. To keep your iron up, make sure to eat dried beans, lentils, dried fruits, and dark, leafy green vegetables. To ensure your body is absorbing the iron, eat vitamin C-rich foods such as tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, and lemons. Calcium should also be a part of your meals, and it’s found in spinach, kale and broccoli, among others."
Finally, the whole point is healthy eating, right? By cutting out your meat for a day, you'll be supplementing with more vegetables. Wonderful! Don't shortchange yourself and try "filling up" with junk just to avoid meat.
Here are just a few quick ideas for meals. You can also click here to see almost 3,000 vegetarian recipes!
Egg and low-fat cheese on whole-wheat toast or muffin, fruit.
Oatmeal with fresh chopped fruit and sprinkled with wheat germ.
Bean soup with a few whole-wheat crackers.
A hardy green salad chockful of various veggies and sprinkled with low-fat cheese and sunflower seeds or walnuts, fruit.
Yogurt with fresh fruit and walnuts or almonds stirred in.
Whole-wheat bean burrito filled with chopped veggies, side salad, fruit.
Veggie stir fry, brown rice, salad, fruit.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
You'll Notice Big Differences When You Move Your Body
"Sure! When I choose to exercise indoors, I'll give you a call and you can come along!"
So began Megan's (name changed, of course!) weight loss! I knew she felt intimidated in the gym by all the different machines and all the firm, fit bodies! If that's how you feel, too, don't worry - it's common! I simply took her to the women's section of the gym and showed her how to use the various machines. Once she tackled that, I took her out into the large gym area and had her use the machines out there, too. I wanted her not to feel trapped within one area of the gym: If all the elliptical machines are taken in the women's section, I wanted her to have the confidence to use the ones in the open gym.
I knew she wasn't a runner and had no interest in running. So on days I went running, she chose her own exercise. But on days I chose walks, she came right along beside me. If you know upstate New York, you know how big the hills are here! Yep, we walked four mile routes on some pretty intense mountain roads. And she did it!
Within a little over a month, she had lost seven pounds! I asked her if she changed her eating habits. She said that she tried to watch the junk food consumption, and she was turning down desserts. Yeah, Megan!
By simply exercising every day, and changing two poor eating habits, she watched the weight drop. YOU CAN, TOO! Once you begin to see your body change for the better, you'll be motivated to continue.
Yes, it takes discipline. Yes, it's hard work to exercise when you don't feel like it. But if you want to invest in your health, in your future, then this is what it will take. YOU'RE WORTH IT!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Are You Getting Enough Protein?
But how much is enough? Of course, the answer varies based on sex and age - and the easiest way to calculate it is based on percentage of total calories consumed. And let's not neglect the source of the protein we choose to consume. That's another factor to consider!
Of the three macronutrients in food (protein, carbohydrates and fat), protein is the nutrient we can't store and use later. We MUST consume daily amounts of it - so we better understand it! If you're pursuing health and fitness, it's vital you understand these three macronutrients and begin to consume them within recommended amounts! Click here to read WebMD's advice about protein - and start analyzing your daily diet to see if you're under-consuming or over-consuming this vital food component.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
How to REALLY Get Six-Pack Abs - VIDEO
The following video articulates the most common-sense approach I've seen. To truly get these abs, it takes two things: LOSE WEIGHT and AB EXERCISES. And guess which of these is about 95 percent of the component? Yep, losing weight. You can do all the ab exercises in the world, but if you don't lose weight to uncover those muscles, they'll be hidden among layers of fat! It's a simple approach - but it takes hard work and discipline! Sorry - there's no magic pill or magic contraption to buy that will tone you this way!
So this video addresses both of these components. Scooby (the man in the video) even demonstrates the iPod touch/iPhone application called "Lose It!" by FitNow. It's an app for people who need help staying on track with their "diets" - their nutrition and calories - and who aren't conscientious with reading food labels. You simply enter your current weight AND your target weight. Next, input how much cardio you do and the app calculates the daily calories you need to achieve this goal. This is a simplified explanation - you have to watch his demo to really see the possibilities with this app!
The video is just over 11 minutes. Give it a shot - watch the whole thing before you decide what you think about the validity of what he says. It takes a little to get past Scooby's quirky personality - but his message is pretty solid. He's against the commercialization of diet plans and contraptions for fitness solely for the sake of turning a buck. He believes that good health and fitness can be achieved inexpensively, and through routine, common-sense methods.
Keep in mind, Scooby is a bodybuilder. I am not. You probably aren't either! But defining your abs, and getting fit in general, follows similar, common-sense principles. He also published this prior to July 4 - obviously! Just take it for what it's worth.
I'd love to hear what you think of his approach! Does this excite you about the possibilities for your own fitness?
Celery - The Forgotten Veggie!
First, it's a great kids' food. They can put low-fat or natural peanut butter in the groove and place ants (raisins) on top for fun - and get a nutritious snack at the same time. They can even do science experiments with it! (Place a stalk in water with red food coloring and watch the celery turn color!)
But seriously, this veggie has wonderful accolades! Check out this nutrition chart from The World's Healthiest Foods (WHFoods) Web site:
Now that's some serious nutrition! We shouldn't be surprised though, right? Because food in its raw and natural state from the Earth is just that - natural and whole - and good for us! Celery is a great source of vitamin C and K as well as phthalides, which may lower cholesterol, and coumarins, which may aid in cancer prevention.
Celery is also a natural diruetic. According to the WHFoods Web site: "The seeds of celery's wild ancestors, which originated around the Mediterranean, were widely used as a diuretic. Today, we understand how celery, which is rich in both potassium and sodium, the minerals most important for regulating fluid balance, stimulates urine production, thus helping to rid the body of excess fluid."
Selecting celery is easy. You want to choose celery that snaps easily when pulled apart...crisp. Make sure it's free from brownish patches. Celery can be stored in a sealed container or even wrapped in a damp cloth. If you've prepared it already by chopping it into pieces (for stews, soups, etc.) or in long sections for raw snacks, make sure you keep it dry and free from water because water can drain some of its nutrients. Avoid freezing celery because it will make it wilt - but you can do this if you're planning to add it to a future cooked meal.
Advice: We've all left celery out at room temperature and watched it wilt before our eyes! To restore its snappy crispness, sprinkle it with a little water and place it in the refrigerator for a few hours. And don't forget to use the leaves! They contain the most vitamin C, calcium and potassium!
My mom always used chopped celery in our soups, stews, and salad. And we ALWAYS had raw celery on hand for simple healthy munching.
Here's a list of celery suggestions from the WHFoods site. Go ahead, eat some celery today!
Add chopped celery to your favorite tuna fish or chicken salad recipe.
Enjoy the delicious tradition of eating peanut butter on celery stalks.
Use celery leaves in salads.
Braise chopped celery, radicchio and onions and serve topped with walnuts and your favorite soft cheese.
Add celery leaves and sliced celery stalks to soups, stews, casseroles, and healthy stir fries.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
How to Choose Dressing for Your Salad
So the big question isn't: Should I eat a green salad? That's a no-brainer! The question is: If I need a dressing on my salad, what should I choose?
According to an MSN health article by Karen Collins, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., American Institute for Cancer Research, there are three nutrition factors to consider when choosing dressing: fat, calories and sodium. When looking at labels, the titles "regular, reduced fat and fat-free" simply denote differences in amounts of fat that usually correlate with calorie content. "Reduced-calorie and low-calorie" dressing labels are often reduced-fat and low-fat, too; it’s just a matter of what producers want to emphasize to consumers on their label.
According to Collins, "Most regular salad dressing contains 8 to 16 grams of fat and 80 to 140 calories in the standard two-tablespoon serving. Reduced-fat dressings often range from 4 to 10 grams per serving, which brings calories down to 20 to 60. Low-fat dressings must contain 3 grams or less of fat per serving. Fat-free dressings must contain less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving and calories usually range from 15 to 40, depending on how much sugar and starchy thickeners are added."
If you feel you MUST have regular salad dressing, MEASURE, MEASURE, MEASURE. You'll need to keep to 2 tsp or less. That's not much! But otherwise you're simply loading your salad with unnecessary calories and fat! My father insists on fat-free dressing for weight control, but keep in mind that having some fat "enhances absorption of certain nutrients and plant compounds like beta-carotene, and may increase your sense of fullness after eating," Consequently, reduced-fat dressings are a good compromise.
Let's not forget to look at the TYPE of fat the dressing contains as well as the amount of sodium! Olive and canola oils are great choices. But beware and read the labels carefully! Some dressings include olive oil in their name but when you read the label, another oil is present in greater amounts (the label will list another oil higher in the list than the olive oil)! You might find other common oils like soybean and sunflower, but "most of us already get plenty of the polyunsaturated fat they provide. Compare saturated fat content if you prefer creamy dressings," says Collins. For sodium, the 250 to 550 milligrams (mg) in a serving of many bottled dressings is 10 to 24 percent of the day’s recommended limit! Low-sodium options may contain from 50 to 140 mg per serving.
Finally, a sure fire way to make your dressing as healthy as you want it, is to make your own! It's soooo easy! Use canola or olive oil and skip the salt in favor of herbs, spices and garlic for seasoning. Follow these tips from Collins: "A classic vinaigrette uses three to four times as much oil as vinegar but you can reduce the oil to only double the acid ingredient with a few simple tricks. Instead of harsher acids like red wine or cider vinegar, try lemon juice or a milder vinegar such as rice, white wine or raspberry. To thicken the reduced-oil dressing try a little Dijon mustard or a dab of honey. For lower fat creamy dressings, experiment using nonfat or reduced-fat yogurt, reduced-fat sour cream or buttermilk."
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
4 Changes to Permanent Weight Loss
As I've said before, change one nutritional habit and one exercise habit and focus on that alone. Once you've gotten that change down, then pick another lifestyle habit to work on. You get the idea. This ensures you're making changes for the long haul! Rome wasn't built in a day. Your body didn't get out of shape in a day. It will take time and effort to rebuild your body!
In the recent edition of Women's Day magazine, an article focuses on how to "sleep better, eat smarter and lose weight" in 30 days. Now that's a challenge isn't it?
According to the article: "The key to making changes that stick: Go gradually. Tackle just one tweak a week, and at the end of 30 days, you'll be firmly on a new, healthier path. 'Building confidence makes change last, and you do that by meeting small goals on the way to the big one,' says Rhonda Britten, author of Change Your Life in 30 Days. 'Every time you're successful, it pushes you to do more.' "
Ah, I love when my common-sense approach to health and fitness is backed up by professionals! I would never mislead you with false information or encourage you to try unhealthy and rash weight loss plans! I want you to conquer your fitness woes once and for all! To experience freedom from the bondage of being overweight!
The article in Women's Day focuses on game plans for eating healthy, losing weight, sleeping better and toning up. The plans include ONE change to make in those topic areas each week in order to experience better health by the end of one month. I'll only cover the areas of eating healthy and losing weight here - you can find the magazine at your grocer's newsstand to read about the other two areas.
"The math is simple: To lose a pound a week, you need to cut 500 calories a day. Go to to find out how many calories you need to stay at your current weight, then subtract 500 from that number. To lose up to 2 pounds a week, step up the exercise as well (and try the "Tone Up" plan). As for diet, cutting calories isn't the only solution - or a long-term one. 'You need to figure out what bad habits sabotage your eating and exercise plans and change those,' says Pamela Peeke, M.D., author of Body for Life for Women. This month, follow Dr. Peeke's plan to break four of the biggest bad habits that stop people losing weight for good."
Week 1: Cut portions down to size
Meat should be the size of a deck of cards. A pancake should be the size of a CD. One serving of cheese is about the size of four stacked dice. To see other portion "cheat" reminders, go to
Week 2: Have a healthy breakfast
People who eat breakfast end up being those who lose weight best. Aim for a serving of lean protein, a little of "good" fat, and whole grain carbs/grains.
Week 3: Stop eating after dinner
Learn to reward yourself without food as the prize! After a long day, choose to call a friend, take a hot bath or go for a walk with a loved one instead of stuffing your mouth with a bowlful of Panda Paws ice cream! Drink water or have some hot tea, too.
Week 4: Curb afternoon cravings
From about 3 until 5 p.m. is when you're most likely to feel a dip in energy levels and be tempted to grab something for a "pick-me-up." Plan for snacks that are low-cal but nutrition-packed for just such events (fruits, nuts and low-fat cheeses are great energy boosters). Or save part of your lunch and eat the remainder as your "snack" in the afternoon.
" 'Eating well is about continually making good small choices,' says Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, RD, coauthor of The SuperFoodsRX Diet, who created this plan."
Week 1: Add a fruit, add a veggie
Plan to work your way to eating a fruit or veggie at every meal. You can start with adding a fruit to cereal in the morning. Remember, fruits and veggies are filling, while containing only minimal calories! Don't forget the nutrition punch of this food group, either - they are disease-fighting nutrients!
Week 2: Pump up the flavor
Try a new herb/flavor at each meal. By adding more flavor, you'll use less salt, sugar and fat. Get this: One tsp. of cinnamon equals the antioxidants of 1 cup of peomegranate juice! Wow! A 1/2 tsp. of oregano has as much antioxidants as 3 cups of spinach!
Week 3: Switch to low-fat dairy
If you're introducing low-fat yogurt into your new food habits - make it yogurt that contains "good" bacteria and is low in added sugar. I LOVE Stonyfield Farm yogurt! I also favor Cabot's 50 percent reduced-fat cheddar cheese.
Week 4: Eat for energy
This means not eating so infrequently that your blood sugar levels drop! Aim to eat food every 3 to 5 hours. This works out to basically three smaller meals with two small snacks in between. You'll also be less apt to binge if you keep a steady intake of "fuel" for your body.
There you have it - easy, eh? :-) Don't forget to check out the magazine for changes you can also make to better your sleep and tone your body. Remember, "slow and steady" wins the race!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Is Your Diet Making You Fatter? Try These Fixes!
It can be debilitating to say the least to someone who's already feeling discouraged. If you've been there, you know exactly what I'm referring to! I've now got three years under my belt of being healthy and fit. I lost nearly 40 pounds and I've kept it off. And in retrospect, I can now see what I was doing wrong in all those earlier years.
1. I didn't measure my food to really understand serving portions. I would just "wing it" and say, "Yeah, this looks about a cup's worth." Portion control is CRITICAL - especially if you're counting calories. Remember, losing weight is all about math! Calories Expended - Calories Consumed = Weight Loss. There are plenty of sites available where you plug in your weight and age and it will tell you how many calories you need to consume to either maintain your weight, or to lose weight. The concept is easy. The follow through is TOUGH!
2. Although I exercised, I wasn't consistent and I didn't exercise with intensity. I would think, "Gosh, I'm running, why aren't I losing weight?" Well, my exercise was sporadic. Life's busy and I let other things take priority. So I might only have exercised three days out of seven, but in my mind, it felt like I was doing good. And when I ran, if I felt fatigued, I would just stop and walk. I didn't push myself to try harder, to go farther, to improve. This I now know: You need to exercise at least six days out of seven - and for 30 to 60 minutes each time - with intensity, to change your shape and lose weight. Once you lose it and have revved your metabolism, it won't take such an investment to maintain your weight - but initially, it will take discipline and an investment of time and effort. But you're worth it!!
3. I didn't keep a food log. I would do only a mental tally of what I had eaten throughout the day instead of actually writing every morsel down and keeping track. I remember one day actually recording what I had eaten, and I was shocked! Those little snacks here and there add up fast! Once it's on paper, it's there in black and white - I couldn't "lie" to myself about it once it was written down.
4. I looked at dieting as short-term. In other words, I simply bought low-fat substitutes for things I didn't want to give up, instead of totally revamping my mind and diet with nutrition in mind! I needed a lifestyle CHANGE! Low-fat cookies, baked potato chips and low-fat sour creams are much better choices than the full-fat versions. HOWEVER, where did fresh fruits and vegetables come into play? Or trying to keep processed foods to a minimum and avoiding food additives/sugar substitutes. Or thinking of eating foods in their whole state? This is an entirely different mindset than just buying "diet" foods! Placing sound NUTRITION (with portion control of course) as a lifestyle choice will make the scale move!
On, there's a great article about three women who've experienced difficulty losing weight. Two diet experts, Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D., author of "The Flexitarian Diet," and Katherine Brooking, R.D., a New York City-based nutritionist, review the women's weeklong food diaries to find out what they're doing wrong. But it doesn't stop there...the experts then give their opinions on how to fix the mistakes. Ah, now that's information we can use!
Click here to see if maybe you're experiencing the same mistakes - and learn how to fix it and move forward in your weight loss!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fueling Your Exercise - Video
View Dr. Clyde Wilson's video for a clear explanation. I bet you'll change how you're fueling your exercise!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Hello Again!
Here's some things I didn't get to say before I left (and I say it with a big grin on my face):
Lori, you know the phrase I will miss the most! Jeff, who will bug me about Twinkies and Dancing to the Oldies now? Valerie, your sweet smile and caring touch will be greatly missed. Adrienne, I can still be your "mom away from home." Kristin, I'll miss you "popping" by my desk to check on me with your bubbly smile. Michelle, you've been so generous to me with flexibility....I know those tears were from the heart. Al and Calvin, you've gone to bat for me numerous times - for which I'm ever so grateful. Jen, I'll miss coming in on a terrible winter morning to see you at the computer furiously keeping up with the school closings. John and Becky - I won't be hearing "Jillian" news - I wish you the best...keep her half Iowan! David, I wish I could have worked with you more...the motorcycle was a very interesting twist for a man in a suit jacket! Bob, you always handled difficult calls with much grace - a wonderful quality (you, too, David)! Nancy, you're a pistol - full of energy - if only you could bottle it up and sell it (I will miss your laugh!). Doug, keep flying and ignore those air disasters - I regret I didn't get to see you much since you moved to that hidden spot in the corner! John and Vanessa, I wish you health and happiness on this new journey in your lives - change is exciting. My-Ly, thanks for trusting me so completely with my business page responsibilities. George, you've been so nice to me, thank you! Ed, am I supposed to miss you the most, like Ann? Connie, you are so thoughtful - I will miss that. Tom and Eric, I haven't gotten to know you as well, but I appreciate all your work. Chris, no more customer complaints to pass on to you - sorry! Dave and Skippy, I've missed you guys already by being off the copy desk... And Ann, that sturdy Iowan upbringing sure comes in handy, doesn't it??? To anyone I didn't list here, my apologies. There's only one thing I won't miss.....can you guess? Those phone calls - especially the ones that come in on full moons! My best wishes to you all, and thank you for making my time at the P & SB enjoyable.
Now, down to business! I hope many of my old Press & Sun-Bulletin readers are joining me today on this site. Hello, again! While my location might be new to you, my discussion about health and fitness will not be new ... you can count on me to continue discussing the topic as I always have!
This week has been a tad stressful. Just a tad. Ha! In the midst of it all, I've made sure to fit in my exercise. In fact, a former co-worker called me tonight to see how I was doing about not returning to P & SB and she caught me in the middle of the Kenpo routine for P90X!
Aerobic exercise is fabulous for releasing stress. Trust me, I know this! I've had tons of pent up energy and emotions this week - I just kicked a little harder and a little higher during my Kenpo routine! It felt good. No, it felt great! Was I still facing the same situations by the end of my routine? Obviously, yes. But with much greater calm and perspective.
If you're experiencing stress and anxiety, don't neglect exercise. Do yourself AND your loved ones a favor by handling your stress in a constructive and healthy way!