I watched my teenager stuff her mouth so full of food, I was afraid she'd choke! Her cheeks were so packed that she could hardly chew! While it was funny, and we had a good laugh at her expense, it reminded me of goals. For this blog, we're talking weight loss and fitness goals. But goals are goals, regardless the subject area!
You see, a goal can seem huge, overwhelming, daunting and nearly impossible. We can psyche ourselves out and feel as if what we want to achieve is impossible. We might begin to wonder if we've bitten off more than we can chew. Yes, I think my analogy is becoming clear...
I'm currently a mother of many children, working a full-time job and taking two MBA classes this fall. There have been days, as I'm highlighting a textbook while working out on my elliptical machine at 11:00 p.m. at night, that I've wondered whether I've bitten off more than I can chew ... in over my head ... that MBA classes are the straw that broke the camel's back.
That's when I sit down and map out each little step I need to take to reach my final goal.
A large goal usually isn't met overnight with one event. It takes a series of events, repeated over and over and over, to finally attain your dream. For my classes, when I'm overwhelmed that I have 300 pages of text to read, one test, and a 25 page paper due in two weeks - I map out what I need to cover each day in order to finish in two weeks.
It's no different with your weight-loss goals! So you want to lose say, 50 pounds. Okay, does that sound like a huge amount? Overwhelming? Does your heart start palpitating when you think about how much that is? Take a deep breath. It's DOABLE! Yes, it is! But it won't happen overnight by eating healthy for only one day! I WISH!
No, it's going to take breaking that goal up into daily chunks that are manageable! For example: "I will walk for 30 minutes each day this week and eat three vegetable servings a day." Boom. You did it...you made a game plan for today that will get you closer to your goal! Instead of looking at 50 pounds, you've broken it down into something that will help you lose maybe 1 1/2 pounds this week.
Don't let the big picture scare you. While you have to plan for it, breathe and zero in on today. Then tomorrow. Then the next. Each day adds up until your goal is finally met.
You can do it!
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