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Friday, March 7, 2008

You Have Healthy Food Choices - Even at McDonald's!

Okay, I ate a healthy breakfast this morning, but was running late for work, therefore, I didn't get a chance to pack anything for lunch. So I reached in my fruit bin and pulled out an orange. As I'm typing this, it's almost 2:00 in the afternoon...and that was my lunch.

Lest you misunderstand me, that's NOT a good thing! Preparing what you will eat for the day is VITAL to staying on a healthy eating plan. You know, "proper planning prevents poor performance!"

I have to run my children around all afternoon and so I will not be walking in my door until 6:30 tonight. You've been there - some days are crazier than others! What to do?

To starve myself is stupid. But I don't have time to eat at a restaurant and order something "healthy" tonight....this means fast food. Before you act shocked that I would eat at McDonald's, hear me out.

First, I don't make it a habit to eat at fast food places. Second, as much as I'm famished at the moment and want to inhale a Big Mac, large fries, and a Diet Coke (yes, I know the irony), I will order the Asian chicken Salad. Yummy. A MUCH better choice....I will not use the dressing and I will ask for the chicken to be baked. That will give me something nutritious while meeting my hunger pangs...and tide me over until I get home. Once I'm home, I will fill in with a fruit and maybe a slice of whole wheat toast. Perfect.

How do you make healthy food choices when you've let yourself get too hungry?

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