I'm so excited you've visited my site. My hope is that you'll find encouragement to take control of your life, to stop feeling a victim of your circumstances, and to finally strengthen your mind in order to change your path!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

I know, I know, all this talk about New Year's resolutions can get redundant. I personally shy away from making these resolutions because the statistics show a majority of us don't keep them - and we fail at them within a very short time of January 1!!! However, seeing as how it's a part of our culture, and a new year can indeed trigger hopeful thoughts -thoughts of new beginnings, new roads to travel, new habits to start, a year with no mistakes in it yet - it's worth discussing.

So...if you're choosing to make a resolution for 2008, plan for it. Wanting to get back into size 8 jeans, without a plan, won't magically happen. Just because you wish it, and make it a resolution, won't make it happen!!! In fact, the word resolution means: the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose. And the word resolution comes from the word resolve, which means: to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something).

There you have - you cannot just state that you will do something about your health for your resolution...you have to come to an earnest decision about it, be resolute in your mind about it, have a firmness of purpose, and determine to do it! That's a tall order - but very doable with the right attitude and planning!

If you've read my other posts, you know I'm a proponent of a very simple philosophy - change one poor food habit and increase your activity (exercise) daily and voila - weight loss and better health will ensue. (See my October 31, 2007 post for more detail.) It's the simple math of decreased calories plus increased activity equals weight loss. And as you begin to conquer this little bit, you'll be encouraged to conquer more!

Now, with that in mind, make your plan TODAY. It's Dec. 27, 2007. You have four days left till January 1. Use these four days to "get your ducks in a row." Gird up your mind - strengthen your mind in what your purpose is. If you've pinpointed a weak food habit - take care of that this week. Purge your pantry or refrigerator of it. Or go out and buy the better food that you're determing to introduce into your daily routine. Figure out now what kind of activity you're going to engage in...will it be walking? A videotape? An elliptical machine? Swimming? Whatever you've chosen, have everything in place and ready to go - including a realistic idea of when you can do this activity in the midst of your busy schedule and the proper clothing or footwear to do it. Gather the support and help of your family - now. Let them know that one hour a day is going to be set aside for your exercise - no compromise on it. It's not only for your own health, but for their utlimate good as well! And inform them of the food habit you intend to change - and how you're going to go about it. (Example: Under no conditions do bags of chips enter our house, or I will no longer eat after 7 p.m. so please be respectful of me and don't flaunt food in front of me after that time, or I am going to eat at least one fruit a day, so please leave one fruit in the fridge at all times for me, etc.) Plan your "work" and work you plan!

You CAN make these changes in your life lasting and permanent - you don't have to end up one of the statistics - one of those many resolutioners who are back to their old ways by January 15! If you've planned and determined how to proceed with your goal, and you've been very realistic with the steps and expectations - success is the direct result. And don't forget to attend to your WHOLE health - body, mind and spirit! You are more than skin deep...

Here comes 2008 - Bring it on!

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