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Friday, February 15, 2008

Determined to Succeed?

Getting healthy starts with your frame of mind. Many people's journey toward better health and weightloss begins as a failed mission from the git-go.

One trainer mentioned that he could tell when a client wasn't going to succeed in her goal. When asked how he could predict that, he gave an example: During one initial evaluation with a client, she was already making excuses for the times she wouldn't be able to exercise due to her schedule, and how she couldn't stay away from certain foods because her ethnic background was such an influence on her. In the same breath, she expressed her displeasure with her weight and teared up when discussing her frustration. His claim as to the client who would succeed? The one who not only came in frustrated and discouraged about her health, but also came in determined that she was ready to do what it would take to better her life, no matter what.

Are you there yet? Are you determined to actually DO what it will take to succeed in your dreams, in your goals? No excuses? That's what success takes.

And that is exactly why I suggest you make the changes in your lifestyle slowly - initially choosing to ax only one poor nutrition habit and choosing some type of exercise to integrate into your daily routine. I can't stress this enough. The two must be joined together - better nutrition AND daily exercise. As you conquer this little bit, you can add more challenges and changes to your lifestyle....master other poor nutrition habits and intensify your exercise as time goes on. Just remember that slow and steady wins the race. Those who burst out of the starting gates at full speed with miles ahead of them will inevitably tire and lose the race. Your goal is to actually MAKE it to the finish line! Put one foot in front of the other and move forward step by step.

Need more encouragement? Read my Oct. 7, 2007 post. Go get 'em....and this time, no excuses.

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