Okay, here we go again....let's repeat something worth repeating: Getting healthy begins in the mind! Your body will follow whatever your mind tells it to do. And it's not just with exercise or eating healthier, either. Refraining from using your credit card, biting your tongue before someone bites you back, or writing those thank-you cards from last Christmas....all these things CAN be done. But it's a matter of WILL they be done. Will your mind play the game of convincing you why you shouldn't, or can't do such things? If so, you've got the battle of the mind going on. You act upon your thoughtlife. Let me say that again: YOU ACT UPON YOUR THOUGHTLIFE. Therefore, where do you allow your thoughts to go? You're not a victim! You can give into certain thoughts, or fight them. So in honor of that idea, I thought it would help to make a list of ways to motivate yourself to exercise and strive for health. Please refer back to this over, and over, and over as needed.
You CAN do it! Hit this link to read about some great ideas (keep in mind this article is geared toward men, but the principles listed can be applied to all).
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I like your site! I like the part when you talk about how you made a decision to take control of your health (as much as humanly possible). That's where I'm at. I sure do love indulging in sweets, but the more I talk to the health experts in the family (you know who...), the more I want to be healthy. It's not all about looks. Being healthy feels good, and I want to be healthy in the future, and I have to start now! I especially like the part about thought life leading to action. Boy is that the truth! The battle truly is in the mind! Out here, we're still working with the Ripped! tapes. (Next one comes out in November, and we can't wait!) God bless you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments, Sam. The older you get, the more you begin to realize that your actions will INDEED follow your thoughtlife. What do you choose to dwell on? Are you a defeatist? A pessimist? There was a time after I had begun running, about three months into my new athletic endeavor, and I distinctly remember being at mile marker 3, and my goal that day had been 4 miles. It was my first time to go beyond my 3 miles. As I neared the end of my 3 miles, I started thinking things like, "You really don't need to do 4 miles, 3 is plenty. Why push yourself? Your legs are feeling pretty tired. You could stop here and still feel good about what you did." Those are the battles in the mind I'm talking about! Those thoughts that try to hold you back! Were those thoughts true? Yes, I wasn't lying to myself. But they weren't productive thoughts - encouraging thoughts. They were defeatist in nature. I had to literally switch my thoughts to: Your legs don't feel that tired that you can't do one more mile. Hang on, just put one foot in front of the other and you'll get there. You'll feel like you conquered the world if you conquer this goal. Don't give up! You can do it!...... And I did!! I even went on a month later to build up to 6 and 8 mile runs!!! The battle is in the mind...
ReplyDeleteI like the new colors on the site! It looks really nice. You've got a lot on your site. Sorry, but I haven't gotten around to reading everything yet!
ReplyDeleteI do have thoughts like that, too. There are times when you really do have to tell yourself to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. And when you don't feel like exercising...whew! Mind battles can be tough.